1. 34 weeks pregnant

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  • 34 weeks pregnant


    Parentune Support
    9 years ago

    34 weeks pregnant

    Try to stay active, even though you may be waddling by now

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    Taking exercise is probably the last thing you want to do, but it’s worth the effort. The more you move, the more energy you will gain. Gentle exercise will also help to relieve some of the aches and twinges of late pregnancy. The baby’s movements may change as he has less room to move around. Instead of kicks, he may be shuffling around. He’s busy, though, practising for the outside world, teaching himself to suckle and focus his vision.

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      1.The baby has less room to manoeuvre and will have periods when he is very quiet, but you will feel some movements every day, and he can still manage some strong kicks.



      2.By practising suckling movements, the baby is teaching himself how to feed when he is born.



      3.At 35 weeks the average crown to heel length is 46.2cm (18.2in) and the average weight is 2.4kg (5.3lb).



      4.The pupils of the eyes now dilate in response to light filtering into the uterus.



      5.The lungs are filled with fluid which will disappear when the baby takes his first breath.


      You’re entering the final stretch of your pregnancy. It won’t be long before you meet your baby. Many babies arrive after week 37 or a couple of weeks after their due date. Every pregnancy is different and there’s usually no harm if a baby arrives a week or two early or late. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 2.5-2.7 kg.

      What are you about to experience?

      You’re probably feeling pretty large and awkward this week. You may feel as if you are perpetually exhausted as well. Your growing uterus may press on your rib cage, which can cause back pain or shortness of breath. This should improve after your baby moves further down into your pelvis, a process called ‘lightening’. Although lightening helps to relieve shortness of breath, it may also lead to increased frequency of urination as your baby adds pressure on your bladder, making your trips to bathroom more frequent.

      Your baby’s development

      Majority of your baby’s growth is complete by 35 weeks. Your baby’s kidneys are completely developed, and the liver is beginning to process waste. Because your baby has grown so much, you may notice a change in his/her movements as there is less room to move around. However, this does not mean you will not feel your baby move. You still may have to count your baby’s movements to ensure all is well with her.

      Changes in you

      Many of the symptoms you’re likely to experience this week have probably been bothering you for a few weeks already.

      • Frequent urination: Now that your baby is head-down in preparation for delivery, his or her head is pressing squarely on your bladder. The result? An urgent need to pee all the time. Do not worry as this will go away once the baby pops out.
      • Heartburn: Is your heartburn getting worse this week? That’s because your growing baby is taking over your abdomen and pushing your stomach up. Avoid eating while you’re lying down.

      Lifestyle Changes:

      Sleep problems are common this week. Try sleeping on your left side. A pregnancy pillow may also help. Some women find that sleeping in a recliner, or on an air mattress results in a better night’s rest. Don’t be afraid to experiment. You’ll need to save all your energy to get through labour. Also, now is the time to relax and pamper yourself, before the baby arrives. Consider having a pregnancy massage or enjoy a date night with your better half.

      Also, all the frequent trips to the bathroom should not be a deterrent in having liquids. Nourishing liquids have more than one benefit in your pregnancy—they not only keep you healthy but are super important for your baby as well.

      Nutrition for you

      All the changes in your body may throw your diet off track. Do not stress and try and maintain a balance between healthy eating and indulging. A pregnancy diet is always a topic of discussion. There are things to worry about, and then there are things not to.

      1. Supplements: Always remember that supplements do not replace a healthy diet, but rather ensure that a mother is receiving enough daily nutrients. So, do focus on a balanced diet and foods that provide you with essential nutrients.
      2. Milk: Milk and milk products like yogurt, cheese, paneer are very good during pregnancy because of the high calcium content. They keep a mother protected from osteoporosis and also help in the baby’s bone development.  

      Common worries

      Each mom may have her unique set of issues to deal with during pregnancy. Here are some common ones rounded off for you

      • Bleeding gums: Your gums may still be bleeding or tender now. To boost gum strength, get plenty of Vitamin C. Drink an extra glass of orange juice and toss tomatoes in your salad.
      • Headaches: If your head is throbbing it could be for a number of reasons- including being overheated or stuck in a stuffy room. Take a break and go out to breathe in some fresh air or open the window. Close your eyes and lie down for 10 minutes to rejuvenate yourself.

      What do the experts suggest?

      “Your baby’s movements may decrease as you near your delivery date. Some decreased movement is normal as it is getting crowded in your uterus! However, you should still feel your baby move at least 10 times an hour. If you don’t, call your doctor immediately. It’s best to get checked out.”

      Dr. Sangeeta Malhotra

      Medical Superintendent

      CGHS Maternity and Gynea Hospital, Delhi


      What do some of the moms say?

      Let’s hear what moms have to say about their own experiences and concerns in pregnancy.

       “When I went for my regular check-ups I was told that my baby was breech. He had not come in the head down position. The worst part was that he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. My doctor advised for a caesarean section,” shares Himadri Gulati.

      “ I had been feeling a drop in the number of movements in the baby. I checked with the doctor who sent me in for an ultrasound. The scan showed that the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck. I had to go in for a caesarean because of this since if not dealt with, it could have suffocated the baby,” says Shilpa Sharma.

      Seasonal Pregnancy Care

      Summer: Avoid drinking very cold or icy liquids as it can give you a sore throat. Any coughing fit can also because you to leak urine since your bladder can hardly hold anything in. Therefore take care to protect yourself from such ailments.

      Monsoon: Monsoons can be a spoilsport sometimes as rains interfere with your walk routine. Find alternatives—do rounds in your house/office, or do some yoga—instead of missing out the very important exercise.

      Winter: Make use of the winter herbs and foods to keep yourself healthy and strong. Ginger, tulsi, saffron, gur are some very nutrient-rich foods that you can indulge in.  Tulsi tea helps clear congestion and is believed to be a great immunity booster. You can add tulsi leaves to your cup of green tea and notice the difference. 

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