1. 3-6 Months Baby's Vision, ...

3-6 Months Baby's Vision, Hearing & Sleep Milestones

0 to 1 years

Aparna Jha


9 months ago

3-6 Months Baby's Vision, Hearing & Sleep Milestones

“It’s way too early for him to be talking anyhow but I see in his eyes something and I see in his eyes a voice and I see in his eyes a whole new set of words” - Sherman Alexie. As time passes by we become inquisitive to witness the growth we will witness in our younger one. At this stage, the baby communicates through a smile, he/she might have eye contact with you and also hold the ability to understand your expressions better.

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3-6  Months Baby's Vision, Sleep Communication Milestones

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    Let us have a glance at what developmental milestones we are going to encounter in the coming days:

    1. The baby will smile and laugh a lot with pleasure and excitement.
    2. The child will exhibit excitement when you talk to them and undergo the bathing procedure. Moreover, they will appreciate the presence of new people and won’t be hesitant in communicating with them.
    3. The younger one will appeal to and be attracted to everything around them. They imitate sounds and begins to babble.
    4. The eyesight power gets enhanced by this time and they can have their attention over small objects as well. They scrutinize and focus on the surroundings to catch hold of things and put in their mouth.
    5. They become capable of lifting their chest and head when they are on their tummy. It is crucial for the toddler to be on their tummy, waving the arms and kicking the legs. This facilitates them to learn how to crawl and results in a strong back. After a certain point in time, they might get annoyed being in this position. Thus, always ensure that you keep them in this position only till the baby’s capacity to tolerate. [Also Know: 7-9 Months Baby's Communication, Motor-skills Milestones]
    6. They turn heads towards the familiarity of voices, by this time they can absolutely recognize your voice. They make sounds to communicate with you. As a parent, you should frequently speak with the baby, the sounds that you practice with them; these facilitate in teaching the toddler to talk.
    7. When your baby reaches the period between four to six months, they can roll over. They usually start playing with their toes and grab them when they are lying down. They also become capable of holding objects.

    Must to Do Activities for 3-6 Months old Baby

    Every parent should remember practicing given below things with your 3 to 6 months baby. Read this carefully & follow...

    1. They get amused by singing, thus sing for them.
    2. Surround them with colorful toys to grab and touch them.
    3. Make faces and talk to them.
    4. Place objects which are bright for them to look at. You may also move them to another location or change the object they have been looking at.


    Don’t get paranoid if there is a delay in the development of the baby. I am sure you must be stressed about them not falling into certain growth parameters, but instead of worrying be patient about it. You can consult a pediatrician in case you have queries and botheration about something. Enjoy the process and journey of your younger one’s development.

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