24th Week Pregnancy - All ...
It’s the end of the second trimester, so you might want to start looking ahead
The rest of your pregnancy will pass before you know it. Make sure you have all the practicalities in hand, such as deciding what date to stop work, and you might want to give some thought to the birth. Meanwhile, friends and family will no doubt be monitoring your growing bump with interest. Try to be patient if they bombard you with advice and don’t listen to too many “tall tales” about pregnancy and childbirth.
1.The baby’s head still seems too large for his body, but overall he’s beginning to look more in proportion.
2.Hearing is now acute and loud noises may startle the baby into sudden movement.
3.The limbs appear more rounded as fat continues to be laid down.
4.At 25 weeks the average crown to heel length is 34.6cm (13.6in) and the average weight is 660g (1.5lb).
5.Blood flow through the umbilical cord and placenta regulates the baby’s temperature, keeping it much the same as your own body temperature.
6.Your baby yawns often, perhaps as a way to regulate the amount of fluid or blood in his lungs at any one time.
At week 25, you’ve been pregnant for around 6 months and are nearing the end of your second trimester. Although you still have plenty of time left, you may want to sign up for antenatal classes. Are you nervous? Excited? It is natural to feel a mixture of emotions at this stage. You can try yoga or meditation, to prepare your mind for the final leg of pregnancy. Your baby should now weigh around 700-800 gms.
What are you about to experience?
It may sound funny but your uterus is roughly the size of a soccer ball. Your uterus can be felt about halfway between your belly button and the bottom of your breastbone. Now you may find people complimenting how lustrous your hair looks. This is because of the hormonal changes. Be happy and cherish it because once the baby arrives, you will get busy with the babycare jobs.
Your baby’s development
You baby is slowly gaining some baby fat that is helping him or her appear less wrinkled. Did you know your baby's hands and startle reflex are now developing? Your baby might be able to respond to familiar sounds, such as you or your partner’s voice, or a sudden loud noise with a movement or a kick.
Changes in you
Obviously your body is undergoing major changes – it’s all because you have a tiny baby growing inside of you.
Lifestyle Changes:
-Exercise releases endorphins (happy hormones) and gives you a boost right away. Walk, swim, do some yoga or breathing exercises the next time you feel down. Avoid any sport that may lead you to lose your balance or something that your body is not used to.
-Eat a lot of fruits, salads, wheat and oats to increase roughage intake in your diet.
Nutrition for you
Pregnancy and food cravings go hand in hand. Which is why, fighting the urge to eat junk food is extremely difficult with your hormones giving you a tough time. To beat this craving try following the pointers below:
Common worries
Being pregnant limits your energies. Don’t burden yourself more by taking on more chores. Cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping - you can delegate these tasks to someone you trust. People are wanting to help; all they need from you is a signal to step in.
What do the experts suggest?
“If you haven’t gotten the GST (Gestational Sugar Test) done yet, get it done before week 28. Anaemia is common among women who are pregnant. Do not forget to eat folic acid and iron supplements. It is believed that cooking food in iron vessels also boosts iron intake (but the jury is still out on this one). It would also be nice if parents also attend childbirth classes so that they know what they are in for.”
Dr Sangeeta Malhotra,
Medical Superintendent,
CGHS Maternity and Gynea Hospital, R. K. Puram, Delhi,
What do some of the moms say?
When you talk to other expectant mothers or experienced mothers, you not only gain confidence but also a lot of information that will come handy.
Kriti Malhotra, 28, says, “Pregnancy also makes one forgetful and so I was always very watchful about not missing out on my supplements, which play a key role in pregnancy!”
Alankrita Juneja, 27, an expectant mother says, “I’ve been suffering from severe constipation and my doctor suggested I eat a lot of green leafy vegetables and fruits such as apples.”
Seasonal Pregnancy Care
Sometimes the extremities of weather can cause peculiar problems in pregnancy. Here are some watch-outs.
Summer: Hair growth is at its best during pregnancy and you have to thank your hormones for that. But this hair growth can be a bane during summers. Opt for waxing or threading but always tell your therapist about your pregnancy so they take extra care. It is not recommended that bleaching or hair colour be avoided in pregnancy since the chemicals can cause allergy or react to an already sensitive skin (due to the hormonal changes).
Monsoon: If you step out in the rain, wash your hands and feet, and sanitize as soon as you’re back home. This will help keep infections like fungal infections, conjunctivitis and viral fever away. Also, if caught in a rain shower, watch where you walk to avoid any falls.
Winter: Winter is the time to indulge is a host of fresh, leafy greens such as spinach, methi, bathua etc. Did you know that to make the iron in spinach/leafy green bio-available to your body, you should pair it up with a Vitamin C rich food? So, add ample of tomatoes to your cooking or squeeze a lemon on your gravy or have your meal with a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice.
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