21 Weeks Pregnant
Deciding on a name for your baby can be tricky, so start making that list
You may not know the sex of your baby but you and your partner can still have fun choosing names. This is a discussion that can run and run. Some couples don’t make up their minds until the baby is born. With such matters to preoccupy you, it’s probably hard to stay focused at work. Try to pace yourself without letting standards slip. Eating little and often, and drinking lots of water, will help you to stay alert.
1.Your uterus may now reach above your belly button, but there is a wide variation in bump size among women at the same week of pregnancy.
2.Beneath the skin, layers of body fat are being stored. Fats are essential because they contribute to the full development of the nervous system.
The bump starts here, announcing your pregnancy to the world. Your emotions are a rollercoaster, too. While one day you might be over the moon about your little bump, on others you might worry yourself sick about piling on too many kilos. Many couples find that their sex-drive increases at this time. Share any anxieties you might have with your partner.
Here are some developments during week 21 of pregnancy.
By now your baby is the size of an avocado and he or she is slowly developing eyesight and eyelashes.
Your baby is ready for a growth spurt now. In the next few weeks, your tiny tot will be doubling in weight, and adding a lot of inches to its length. As of now, he or she is the size of an avocado, which equals to around 4.5 inches in height, from head to rump.
By the 16th week of pregnancy, the placements of your uterus is going to be around halfway between your navel and your pubic bone. The ligaments that are circling your uterus are gaining more and more stretch and thickening too as they are growing.
Here are some tips for ensuring your baby gets optimal nutrition:
Here are some common worries that expecting mothers have during this time, and tips to address them:
Eat right, get some exercise and enjoy your pregnancy!
Did these tips on Week 15 of pregnancy help you? Share your feedback with us in the comments section!
3.In boy babies, the testes are still hidden within the pelvic cavity.
4.At 22 weeks the average crown to heel length is 27.8cm (10.9in), and the average weight is 430g (15.2oz).
5.Every bone in your baby’s body now contains bone marrow capable of producing blood cells.
6.The hands move constantly, reaching out to touch the face or clutch at the umbilical cord.
Most moms find second trimester as the most comfortable trimester. They have gotten used to the idea of being pregnant but moving around is still not very difficult. Your baby should now weigh around 400 gms. Do not worry if your baby’s weight is slightly low, each baby’s different. Consult your doctor for more details and advice.
What are you about to experience?
By now you would be able to feel your baby’s movements, and if you are lucky, then even your baby’s kicks. Did you know that you can now also feel your uterus just above your belly button? When you go for your regular check up, your gynaecologist may do a physical exam and press your tummy to check the position of your uterus.
Your baby’s development
By this week your baby will be completely covered with a fine hair called lanugo, which helps hold the vernix caseosa (the thick white substance composed of sebum and epithelial cells that provides a protective covering for the skin of the fetus). Overall your baby’s skin appears wrinkly, which is because she has not gained enough weight yet.
Changes in you
You may not be surprised to see your belly grow. But did you know you could also experience a size change in your breasts, feet and hands too?
“You’re four weeks from the midpoint of your pregnancy. You start feeling the baby move any day now. This second trimester is sometimes called the honeymoon phase of pregnancy. You now sleep in a sounder and peaceful manner than before. It is advised to stop sleeping on your back at this time. This means using extra pillows to support your body. Your skin looks shinier (“pregnancy glow”) thanks to all the increased levels of hormones.
Many women get past the morning sickness phase of their pregnancy around this time. However, other problems such as constipation, heartburn and hemorrhoids may become a problem. Keep constipation at bay by consuming foods with fiber.Avoid very spicy and oily foods to prevent heartburn.”
Dr. Birbala Rai, M.B.B.S., M.S. in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Senior Consultant at PSRI Hospital, New Delhi
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