1. 20 Weeks Pregnant-A Compl ...

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  • 20 Weeks Pregnant-A Complete Guide To Your 20th Week


    Parentune Support
    6 years ago

    20 Weeks Pregnant-A Complete Guide To Your 20th Week

    Only For Pro


    Reviewed by expert panel

    Dr. Pooja Mittal

    Fetal Development
    Birthing - delivery
    Pregnancy by week
    Daily Tips

    You're halfway through your pregnancy already – it's all happening so fast. Not all women happily accept their changing body shape, even though they're overjoyed to be pregnant. But bump doesn't have to mean frump. You've got a good excuse to treat yourself to a few attractive maternity clothes or to indulge in some pampering, perhaps by having a gentle massage. Keep up your exercise routine, because you'll feel energized and all the better for it.

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    20 weeks pregnant is how many months?

    If you're 20 weeks pregnant, you're in month 5 of your pregnancy.


    Your Baby's Development – Week 20

    Did you know that your baby's stomach is now capable of absorbing most nutrients from the amniotic fluid (Amniotic fluid is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy? It is contained in the amniotic sac. It is a protective layer and helps in bone growth and lung development) he's swallowing?

    1. When your baby swallows a bit of amniotic fluid for nutrition and hydration, he's also practicing swallowing and digesting—skills he will need when he is born
    2. Some experts say that by this week your baby has developed taste buds too - so chances are if you eat cake, your baby's going to get a taste of it as well

    Here are some of the changes that are happening during week 20 of your pregnancy:

    1. The developing brain is picking up electrical signals from the baby's body about sensations such as pressure and temperature. At this stage, a baby's nervous reactions are not conscious but simply reflexes
    2. Fingernails are beginning to grow. There's no danger of the baby scratching himself, as his skin is covered in vernix, a protective waxy coating
    3. In girl babies, the ovaries have descended from the abdomen into the pelvis
    4. At the 20th week, the average baby size is 26.7cm (10.5in) and the average weight is 360g (12.7oz)
    5. The baby is regularly swallowing the amniotic fluid in increasing amounts
    6. Now your baby should be about 8-10 inches tall and would weigh around 350 gms
    7. By now you should be feeling your baby's movements, which the doctors refer to as 'quickening'. That movement actually feels like butterflies fluttering inside your tummy

    Note: Most of your baby's nourishment is still coming directly from the placenta (The placenta is an important organ in the uterus of a pregnant woman that plays a crucial role in pregnancy. The main function of the placenta is to supply the baby with adequate nutrition).

    Changes In You – Week 20

    The baby's not the only one experiencing huge changes. It's time for you too, to say goodbye to your favorite heels and slip into comfortable footwear!

    1. With you carrying more weight, your center of gravity has changed. Your ever-growing uterus will start affecting your fingers, toes, and other joints. They will loosen up, thanks to those pregnancy hormones
    2. Backaches maybe your new friend. If you can, then indulge in prenatal massage given by a trained professional
    3. Noticed some red/purple marks on your tummy and thighs? Those stretch marks are a sign that your baby's growing inside your body and making space for himself. The good news is that these stretch marks are usually hereditary. So if your mom didn't get them, chances are your skin will be clear, too!

    Symptoms at 20 Weeks Pregnant

    Below are some of the pregnancy symptoms that you may experience at Week 20.

    Itchy skin

    At 20 weeks pregnant, the skin around your breasts and belly may feel particularly itchy. This happens as the skin stretches to make room for your developing baby. Avoid scratching yourself and instead get relief by: 

    • Applying cold packs

    • Moisturizing regularly 


    Heartburn or acid reflux is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy. It is caused by:

    • Hormonal changes 

    • Increased pressure against your stomach as your baby grows 

    To avoid indigestion:

    • Change your diet and lifestyle

    • Chew sugarless gum after each meal 

    • Take over-the-counter medicines after consulting your Doctor

    Sporadic headaches

    You may get headaches when you’re in a hot, poorly ventilated space or under fluorescent lighting. To avoid getting headaches:

    • Take short breaks throughout the day to get some fresh air

    • Dress in layers to avoid feeling too hot and stuffy


    Besides headaches, hot, stuffy places can also make you lightheaded or faint. To avoid dizzy spells: 

    • Stay cool and hydrated

    • Take frequent fresh-air breaks

    • Wear loose-fitting clothes

    Fretful sleep

    At 20 weeks pregnant, you may find getting a good night’s rest difficult. With your growing belly, you may toss and turn all night trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. 

    Here are some ways that you can have a restful sleep:

    • Lie on your side and bend your knees, keeping a pillow between your legs

    • Use pillows under your belly and behind your back for extra support

    • Use a pregnancy pillow

    Lower back pain

    As your pregnancy progresses, you’re likely to have lower back pain. This happens because:

    • Your expanding uterus is putting pressure on your back

    • The extra weight that you’re carrying is straining your muscles

    • Your hormones are affecting your joints and ligaments 

    To ease lower back pain, do the following:

    • Perform exercises such as lightweight training, stretching, and swimming 

    • Get a prenatal massage

    • Apply heat or cold packs to the sore areas

    • Use relaxation techniques


    Constipation is a common pregnancy symptom that occurs due to:

    • Hormonal changes

    • Reduced activity 

    • Growing uterus 

    Constipation during pregnancy can also lead to other problems such as hemorrhoids.

    To avoid constipation and the related issues:

    • Drink a lot of water

    • Eat high-fiber foods, e.g., whole grains

    • Exercise regularly

    In case you don’t get relief, talk to your Doctor. He/She could advise you to take: 

    • Stool softener

    • Magnesium

    • Prenatal vitamins low in iron

    Leg cramps

    You could get leg cramps during pregnancy. This occurs most likely due to pregnancy weight gain and swelling, which compress the blood vessels in your legs.

    To increase blood circulation in your body and reduce cramping:

    • Put up your feet while sitting whenever you can

    • Drink a lot of fluids


    Your feet and ankles may swell up due to water retention during pregnancy, causing you pain. To improve circulation in your body and minimize edema:

    • Wear comfortable shoes outdoors and slippers indoors 

    • Avoid wearing tight socks or pantyhose 

    Protruding belly button

    As your uterus grows and pushes your abdomen, your belly button that was previously hollow (innie) may suddenly protrude outwards (outie). This is nothing to be worried about as your navel will return to its original state after delivery.

    Hair and nail changes

    At 20 weeks pregnant, you may notice that you’re sporting thicker hair and long nails. 

    Your hair gets thicker during pregnancy due to increased estrogen levels. Estrogen prolongs the growth phase of hair, which results in reduced hair fall. Postpartum hair loss will occur 3-5 months after childbirth. 

    Your nails also start growing faster and could either become hard or soft and brittle.

    Lifestyle Changes – Week 20

    Pregnancy may require you to make slight changes in your lifestyle.

    1. If you've been a regular at yoga, swimming, walks and other light exercises, you may continue doing them after consulting your doctor. But please be careful as you're more prone to injuries thanks to the loosening of your joints
    2. While at work, try and keep your feet elevated, to avoid swelling. Also, support your back with an extra cushion. In case your work requires long hours of sitting, do take short breaks to stretch your legs to keep the blood circulation working smoothly

    Nutrition – Week 20

    The second trimester of pregnancy often marks the beginning of the kind of insatiable hunger. Your growing baby starts craving a variety of foods. But it's a myth that you need to eat for two.

    1. Stay hydrated. We may stress this point every week, but it's necessary. You should ideally take about 8-10 glasses of water or other nourishing liquids every day. You can also introduce fresh coconut water into your diet
    2. Stock up on nutrients. You should now focus on eating healthier foods
    3. If you feel hungry, munch on some ground nuts or dry fruits instead of that oh-so-tempting bag of chips. It's best to avoid temptations
    4. If you're a vegetarian, eat all kinds of greens – palak, methi and pudina, and soya. If you're a non-vegetarian you can eat eggs, chicken, and fish
    5. Your doctor may ask you to up your protein intake in this trimester. Soya, eggs, chicken, fish, and all kinds of dal are rich in proteins
    6. Did you know that cholesterol is essential for keeping your placenta healthy? So tweak your diet in a way that you get maximum nutrients in a day
    7. Please do not skip your prenatal vitamins. Vitamins are very important for your baby's growth

    Common Worries That The Expecting Mom Has

    With excitement comes a little bit of worry too. It is not uncommon for expectant mothers to stress about something or the other during pregnancy.

    1. Stretch Marks: This week usually sees mothers worrying about those stretch marks. Once they appear on your body, the best way to treat them is by keeping your skin hydrated. Have lots of fluids and apply oil/stretch mark removal cream on those marks. Did you know a simple virgin coconut oil is your best bet?
    2. Baby Movements: Each pregnancy is different. A first-time mother may not feel the baby's movements just yet, whereas a second-time mother would be fairly aware of the quickening. Keep calm and visit your doctor regularly for updates on the baby's movements

    What Do Our Experts Say?

    "Second trimester is the important period in a pregnant woman's life. If you're in this phase, keep a check on vaginal bleeding. Most women think vaginal bleeding is normal, but sometimes it can be a cause for concern. Never take it casually. Rush to your doctor immediately to rule out any complications."

    Dr Sangeeta Malhotra, Medical Superintendent,

    CGHS Maternity and Gynea Hospital, R. K. Puram, Delhi

    Moms' Speak

    It's always nice to share your thoughts and worries with other moms. Would you like to know what other mothers faced?

    Himadri Gulati, 30, had a bicornuate uterus (The uterus has a wall inside and a partial split outside) which led her to have a complicated pregnancy. She says, "I suffered from vaginal bleeding a couple of times in my pregnancy. I rushed to the hospital and both times it was nothing to worry about. It's best to rule out any complications rather than them lightly."

    Alankrita Juneja, 27, an expectant mother shares her experience. "I had heard from my friends that baby movements are felt by this time, but till week 21 I did not realize that they were movements. I felt butterfly tingling in my tummy for a week, but towards the end of week 22, they transformed into proper kicks! The feeling was just amazing!"

    Seasonal Pregnancy Care

    Pregnancy requires care, despite any season, but sometimes you need extra attention.

    1. Summer: Keep yourself hydrated during this season. Increase the intake of water, coconut water, and fresh juices in your diet and limit the intake of tea and coffee. It's best to wear cotton and linen clothes as these fabrics breathe better. You may feel slightly dizzy during this week so avoid standing in the sun for too long
    2. Monsoon: This weather can lead to oily skin, so invest in a good face wash. Also, keep yourself safe from any type of allergies. Avoid drinking outside water as monsoon is a season that carries water-borne diseases. Ensure that your house is free of mosquitoes as Dengue is a disease that knocks on most doors during this season. Get a good umbrella/raincoat and keep yourself safe from the rains. Do not wear closed footwear during this season as you can get a fungal infection. Wear plastic shoes or gumboots instead
    3. Winter: For some, pregnancy can lead to dry skin and this situation can worsen in winters. So keep your skin and yourself well-hydrated in the season. Also, the coldness can add to depression or pregnancy-related mood swings. So, catch up frequently with friends and family, go out with your spouse often, listen to cheerful music, or watch chick flicks to keep the mood upbeat

    We wish you a happy, healthy pregnancy!

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