13 Weeks Pregnant
There are subtle changes happening to your shape that only you will notice
Your baby isn’t big enough to give you an obvious pregnancy bump, but you’ll definitely notice your waistline become thicker. At this stage of pregnancy, many women feel re-energized and have a strong sense of wellbeing. Healthy eating is very important, so be clued up about the best food choices. In particular, your body needs plenty of protein; and your baby needs it, too, to sustain her rapid growth.
1.The fundus, the top of the uterus, can now be felt in your abdomen.
2.The ears have already developed their helical pattern, although your baby cannot hear yet.
3.The first hairs of the baby’s scalp and eyebrows often appear at this stage.
4.At 14 weeks the average crown to rump length is 8.7cm (3.4in) and the average weight is 43g (1.5oz).
5.The brain is developing rapidly, and your baby’s head accounts for about half her total length.
6.Facial features are becoming more clearly defined. The eyes and ears have reached their final positions.
By the 14th week of pregnancy, your baby is the size of your fist. Right from frowning, squinting, peeing to probably sucking his or her thumb, your baby is now sprouting hair all over; while for moms those first trimester symptoms might be easing up a bit!
Your baby’s development
Your baby’s brain muscles are developing by now, hence he or she would be twitching, peeing, squinting and possibly be involved in a thumb-sucking job. Not only this, his or her facial muscles are now getting developed with tiny features supporting a number of expression. The kidneys are continuing to secrete urine, which will be stored in the amniotic fluid around him or her – a process that will continue to happen until the baby’s birth. Grasping power must have tremendously increased by now and so has his or her stretching ability. Right from crown to the leg, your baby measures to about 3/5 inches by now, which is equivalent to the size of a lemon.
Gradually, but steadily, his or her body is growing faster than its head, which now comfortably sits upon a little neck, while his or her chin lifts from the chest. Soon, by the end of this week, your baby’s arms will be grown to a proper proportion. So will the legs.
One of the major development about this week is the growth of hair follicles all around his or her body. This coating of hair is called lanugo, which is largely in which your baby is coated in. Largely meant for warmth and keeping your baby toasty, it doesn’t translate into your baby coming out as monkey. But, some babies still might have the fuzz coating at delivery, which disappears soon afterwards. Baby’s liver will also start making bile by this week- a major sign that everything is going as per a proper plan, while his spleen will start to assist in the production of red blood cells.
Your baby has the ability to stand up straight now, growing by leaps and bounds. Unbelievable to comprehend, but your baby is now standing upright, without any such prodding whatsoever. In baby boys’ prostate gland is forming, while in baby girls’ ovaries are moving into the pelvis travelling from her abdomen area.
Other developments include development of a roof inside your baby’s mouth, which will aid in all sort of digestive system activity. Your baby’s intestines are secreting meconium, which is the waste that will constitute of his first bowel movement post birth.
But amidst all this development, you won’t be feeling any tiny punches or kicks, but your little one’s hands and feet are more flexibly active now.
Changes in you
Welcome the second trimester with open arms as this is the period when the energy feels like returning and the breasts will start to feel less tender and sensitive. And thank goodness, that irritating queasiness must have totally abated by now. If that is not the case with you, then do just hang in there as chances are it will soon leave you. But yes, we must mention here that a few unfortunate expectant mothers witness this nausea feeling all throughout their pregnancy.
By the 14th week of pregnancy, the area above your uterus is just a wee bit above from your pelvic bone, a phenomenon that might just push your tummy out a tad. In fact, you would be amazed to know that by now you might be even able to feel the top of your uterus, also called as fundus. Just by pressing right above your pelvic bone, right there in your lower abdomen. How amazing is that, right?
You might also experience an increase in vaginal discharge during the 14th week pregnant phase as your hormones might be stimulating this. All in a bit to keep the growth of harmful bacteria at bay. Any sort of unknown concerns about discharge, such as itching, bleeding or soreness, must be shared with your healthcare provider immediately.
Even though starting to receive the attention of being pregnant and fully feeling pregnant now is quite a feeling of thrill, do take some out to plan your to-do lists in advance. Not to forget, do daydream and relish this amazing time like there’s no tomorrow!
Accompanied by the charm of feeling peppier and a lot more of your real self now, you will also have less and fewer trip to the washroom for peeing. The best part about this week is that you might be running towards maternity boutiques and stocking up on a lot of uber-cool maternity wear.
Nutrition for you
Nutrition for baby
Health Tips If You Are Pregnant?
Common worries
What do the experts suggest?
“14th week marks the end of your first trimester and you start the journey of your second trimester. Your belly now starts to show noticeably. Mood swings are the highlight of this phase of your pregnancy. Stress and fatigue can cause mood swings and emotional meltdowns in would be mothers. Nausea in particular stops or reduces significantly during the 14th week.
At this time of your pregnancy drink plenty of fluids. Eat smaller meals as it might be helpful for women suffering from nausea. Ginger which is readily available at your places is a great home remedy for a lot of your pregnancy problems. Pay a lot of attention to your diet and incorporate healthy food in your diet chart.”
Dr.Birbala Rai, M.B.B.S., M.S. in Obstetrics & gynaecology, Senior Consultant at PSRI Hospital, New Delhi
Seasonal Pregnancy Care
Summer –In order to avoid sunburn and harsh skin issues, totally avoid mid-day sun and drink a minimum of eight-nine glasses of water in a day. Avoid vigorous outdoor activities and get indoors by the first sign of getting thirsty, feeling light headedness, dizziness, or fatigue.
Monsoon –Bath at least twice a day to keep sweat and grim off. Do make it a point to get your home sanitised right before monsoon. Getting a proper team of pest control to handle this would be a good idea. This will help in killing any sort of mosquitoes, cockroaches, termites and flies. But, under all circumstances totally stay away from pest control smoke as it might interfere with your pregnancy in a not so positive way.
Winter – Plug in a humidifier at home during winter season as it will not allow the dry winter air to play havoc with your nostrils. It will also help in balancing the temperature of your body. The dryness in atmosphere is also a good time to lather on a good quality body lotion. Make sure to go for one that is hypo allergic and unscented.
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