1. Your 12-18-Months-Old Bab ...

Your 12-18-Months-Old Baby's Developmental Milestones

0 to 1 years

Aparna Jha


9 months ago

Your 12-18-Months-Old Baby's Developmental Milestones

It is a delightful feeling to witness your baby transforming and growing into a toddler. Isn't this the most awaited phase a mom looks forward to? Just like a baby, your toddler also needs plenty of sleep and care. Your toddler needs at least 12-13 hours of sleep for proper growth and development.

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12-18 Months Baby's Developmental Milestones

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    Following are a few developmental milestones that you can expect to witness in the coming month:

    1. Between the periods of 12 to 15 months, the baby becomes capable of standing without any external support from someone else.
    2. Some toddlers walking around 12 to 15 months, while on the other hand, few start walking between 15 to 18 months. Many children are so ecstatic to explore their surroundings that they might even start climbing stairs.
    3. When your baby reaches this stage they tend to gain enhanced control over the movement of their hands and arms. They start picking up things that they find interest in.
    4. By this stage, the toddler will elucidate their affection towards people due to the emotional attachment they hold towards them. When they turn around 14 months, they usually get fearful of losing or getting separated from you. Moreover, they also gain the ability to understand and decipher other’s emotions. For instance, if you are crying, they may seem disappointed. [Also Know - 3-6 Months Baby's Vision, Hearing Milestone]
    5. After witnessing several months of babbling, finally, you will hear your younger one utter words and believe me that is the most soothing and content feeling ever.
    6. At this stage, they become sensitive to recognize their names, hug you as well as recognize their own face in the mirror. Furthermore, if you give them any instructions for instance fetching or giving something.
    7. Pneumococcal, Meningococcal ACWY, Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) are the vaccinations that are required to undergo once your child turns 12 months old. Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough the Hib (Haemophilus influenza type b) vaccine, measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox (varicella) (MMRV) vaccination are required when your toddler turns 18 years old.
    8. They start drinking from a cup and in some cases, they even start using a spoon. They might turn pages of books or climb onto things, they become enthralled and excited to explore their surroundings.
    9. They might also wave you a bye and sometimes also show temper or tantrums to people.
    10. In order to express and communicate they might use their body language to nod or point at things.


    Tips to Help Toddler Develop Effectively

    Following tips can be followed in order to help your toddler develop:

    1. Read, sing and talk to them
    2. Kiss and hug them, this makes them feel loved and happy
    3. Play with them such as peekaboo and motivate them to walk
    4. Do not discontinue breastfeeding

    You should consult a pediatrician in case your toddler has turned 18 months old and does not walk, has inefficiency in hearing or seeing things clearly, utter words, follow your instructions, use gestures or waves at you or maintain eye contact. [Check - 7-9 Months Baby's Communication, Motor-skills Milestones]


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