10 Expert tips on Diaper ...
Only For Pro
Reviewed by expert panel
Let's face it – Diaper changing is not a fun chore, even when your baby or infant is at her cooperative best. But the best case scenario is rare, and mostly your child is squirming, arching his back, screaming aloud, and making rapid limb movements – all adding to your woes and resulting in a messy diaper change. Add to it, all the stress about maintaining hygiene. Read on to find out how to make this chore easier for yourself, while taking care of hygiene.
Here's a tip for starters: A baby usually cannot get sick from her own germs. But even then, how to tackle a restless child and diaper change? Another common query is: What's the most sanitary way to change a diaper? Since it is just not possible to take care of everything all together, just stick to these basics.
Use these tips to make this not-so-pleasant chore much easier for yourself, while protecting your baby from harmful germs. Happy Parenting!
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