10 Reasons Why Pets Are G ...
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For most children the excitement of nurturing and cuddling a pet or animal can be an incomparable feeling. Such feelings often become a part of their lifelong memories.The joyous experiences that your kids will gain from her relationship with her pet will last for years to come. Pets – puppies, kittens, or hamsters - are just like young children. They need all the love, care, affection, time and energy. Dogs, especially, are very sensitive beings; they understand their master’s mood by their touch itself. They have a gifted ability to sense love, sadness or danger.
Making a pet like dogs etc animals a part of your family has numerous benefits, besides being a playful, adorable and safe companion for your child. Know more here benefits of having pets for your kids.
Here are the reasons why I encourage you to make a pet or animal part of your family and child’s life -
Did you know that having a pet, animals around, and growing up with one can contribute in big way towards your childrens’s overall development, particularly in the area of emotional and psychological well-being? Pets do contribute in a major way in the overall development of your kids, and here’s a personal account.
I want to share a small personal story of my adolescent years when I had a pet of my own. “When I was 14 years old, my mother brought a one-month old white colored Spitz puppy for me. His name was Lobo. In no time he became my world. I still remember from day one itself, I began nurturing and taking care of him automatically. Soon, taking care of his needs, safety, and well-being was a part of my duties, and the daily and monthly chores taught me how to take on responsibilities. My joy and happiness had no boundaries, for I had a companion to spend my lonely moments with. As a teenager, there were emotional moments that I used to struggle dealing with, and there were so many things that I could only share with him and not even my own mom or brother or friends. There was always this unique feeling of being accepted, loved and not judged".
What do you think of Sugandha’s reasons for bringing home a pet useful? Do you have a pet? How does it help your toddlers’s development? Do leave your comment, we love hearing from you!
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