1. Hyperactive Airway Diseas ...

Hyperactive Airway Disease (HAD) & Treatment Advice from A Mom

1 to 3 years

Parentune Support
11 months ago

Hyperactive Airway Disease (HAD) & Treatment Advice from A Mom

Hyperactive Airway Disease (HAD) or Childhood Asthma is a very common ailment amongst children, which I came to know of with my elder son Rayan and encountered its harsh impact when he passed out on the breakfast table one day!!

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Research tells HAD can occur at any age in children, but as many as 60%of the children wheeze during the first three years of life. In spite of better treatment facilities available the incidence of HAD seems to be on the rise because of environmental pollution, artificial agents used in edible stuff, etc.

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    Rayan has been suffering from HAD since the time he was 2. It started off with him almost always suffering from a cold and runny nose during spring, the season when pollen is released by flowers. When I took him to the Doctor at Sitaram Bhartia after a few tests he diagnosed that Rayan is suffering from an allergy and that this would persist for some years. He prescribed some anti-allergen (But he never explained what it was in detail despite my questions). I was not so happy with giving him so many medications so when he became a little better I discontinued those.

    The following year when the season arrived and his situation got quite serious I consulted almost everyone I knew for a good pediatrician and selected the one with the maximum recommendations. But sadly it turned out to be quite a bad experience, typically an experience where Doctors try to make their commissions from their hospitals! She prescribed that I should get Rayan nebulized 3 times a day with Budercort and Duonase (both steroids), for 15 days and I should get him nebulized at the hospital, which means every time I go to the hospital she gets her commission. This when you can buy the nebulizer and get it done at home with no expertise required at 1/10th the hospital cost! Also, common sense suggests that medicines like steroids should be avoided as much as possible because those have many side effects.

    For the past 2 years, I have put Rayan on Homeopathy and he seems to be getting much better. We haven’t had the need to put him on the nebulizer at all.

    It would be lovely to hear your comments and experiences on handling HAD also the benefits and side effects of Homeopathic treatment.


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