Parents! You and us- Together We Care!

Parenthood is a journey most awaited by many. The two strongest emotions of parenthood are love and care. Not only are they linked, they’re also inter-dependent! Parents like you, want to leave no stone unturned in caring for their little one’s wholistic well-being. We, at Sanofi Pasteur, want the same. Our R&D-driven healthcare organization with a legacy of over 100 years is happy to partner with you in this journey to ensure that you don’t miss out on caring for your baby. From tips to interesting facts, together we can give your baby the care he/she deserves!
Love. Care. Protect. Safeguard. Every parent promises this for his/her baby. One of the steps towards this promise is ‘Vaccination’. Numerous viral & bacterial infections may impact your baby`s health, however only a handful of these are protected by vaccination. Hence vaccination is not a choice, it is a necessity. Thanks to vaccination, deadly diseases such as polio are not seen anymore in India1. Each year, vaccination saves close to 2-3 million2 lives globally.
Having said this, vaccination brings its set of concerns for parents. Number of pricks for the baby, too many vaccines too soon and side-effects post vaccination are few such concerns. However, times have changed and with it, so have vaccines. It’s safe to say, your concerns have been addressed!

With advanced vaccine technology, we now have combination vaccines that protect your baby against two, three or maximum of up to six diseases (namely polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox etc.). This means your baby can have protection against all these diseases with a single prick and not multiple ones. For parents, it means fewer visits to pediatricians and higher compliance to vaccination schedule
Another very important aspect for a vaccine is its quality in terms of production, packaging and transportation etc. Quality of the vaccines is reviewed by local drug regulators as well as in some cases by international bodies such as World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF. Above are just some of the parameters that WHO prequalifies vaccines against.3 Very few vaccines get to this list which can be accessed here4
Wouldn’t you agree that using these vaccines will bring peace of mind to you as parents?

The side effects post-vaccination such as pain, fever, inflammation etc. are ones that every parent wishes their baby didn’t have to go through. The advancement of technology has now led to availability of vaccines that are preservative-free. Don’t you think, if given a choice, as in the case of other products, you should also consider preservative free vaccine for your baby?
But remember, parental care doesn’t stop at ‘vaccination’, it just starts there. We know that for every parent, the overall well-being of their baby is of paramount importance. You will be concerned about their initial developments and we would want to give you a helping hand. Download our Care Guide to know more about nutrition, sleep, developmental milestones and vaccination.
Want to know how much more can you care for your baby? Answer questions on #YourCareQuotient and know exciting facts. Try it out now!
Together we wish best care for your baby!
This is a part of the public awareness initiative on vaccination supported by Sanofi Pasteur India. Sanofi Pasteur believes in a world where no one suffers from a vaccine preventable disease. One should consult their healthcare provider for any health-related information.
1) (accessed on 23-10-2019 at 8:30 PM)
3) Vaccine PQ. (2019, September 10). Retrieved from (Accessed on 23-10 at 8PM)
4) Retrieved from on 23-10 at 8PM)

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