1. I now have access to veri ...

I now have access to verified and prompt Doctors, Specialists and experts

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Olivia  Mukherjee
3 years ago

I now have access to verified and prompt Doctors, Specialists and experts
Nurturing Child`s Interests

As a parent, I want to make informed decisions for my child. But parenthood is one journey for which you can never be prepared as every day is a new experience! Whenever in doubt concerning the well-being of my child, I would like to seek professional advice and not go by hearsay.

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As a first-time mom whenever in a dilemma about anything related to my baby, I always reached out to his pediatrician. But there were limitations- odd hours, pediatricians being unreachable or on a holiday, or busy with other patients leading to long wait times and this made me anxious many times. That is when I signed up for Parentune PLUS. I now have access to verified and prompt Doctors, Specialists, and experts who assist me in my parenting journey and guide me in making important decisions 24x7.

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    Parentune Plus has been created to provide prompt and trusted support for parents like me to stay prepared for every stage of raising a child, right from conceiving to parenting a teenager. Parentune Plus helped me out so many times in the last few weeks when my pediatrician wasn’t available or I wanted to seek a second opinion for my baby’s well-being. 

    Parentune Plus is right for my child. 

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