1. Celebrating Independence ...

Celebrating Independence at 65

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12 years ago

Celebrating Independence at 65

As our nation celebrates 65 years of independence it definitely instils in most of us, a pride to be an Indian. India has emerged from the shadow of colonialism to evolve as one of the fastest growing and powerful economies in the world. True, that independence has empowered the average Indian. Creativity and Enterprise have blossomed, thanks to the efforts and struggles of thousands of freedom leaders. But today as a society are we paying a whole hearted tribute to them? And in what ways are we expressing our patriotism to our motherland? Most importantly is today’s generation really patriotic?

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Maybe yes, my optimism says. Of course, our ways of expressing patriotism is completely different from our forefathers...We stand united to cheer when our Indian sportsmen play matches against other countries. We do feel proud when an Indian Company gets listed in the NASDAQ or gets into the Fortune 500 list. When our scientists successfully launch a rocket to space we marvel at our technological progress. We feel ecstatic when Indian music/musician gets worldwide recognition. At the same time we strongly condemn terror and oppose corruption. We feel the need for better education and healthcare facilities for all sections in society and economic reforms for stable growth. We want a safer, prosperous and peaceful country for us and our future generations. What is it that runs through all these mixed feelings? Is this the new age Patriotism?

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    Every year on August 15th our whole country shifts over to a patriotic mood in every sphere of life. The tri colour is seen everywhere in different avatars. Around the country celebrations start off with the flag hoisting, the best part being our national anthem when everyone irrespective of their age and diversity, stands united. Cultural activities are galore. Patriotism themed competitions are a great platform for children to understand and value their rich history.

    But is that really sufficient for them to cherish this important day in the long run? As parents we need to inculcate a sense of duty towards our country. We have the responsibility of helping the child acknowledge and value the freedom that was won after years of struggle. To make it really memorable and interesting, you may plan a trip with friends/family to any of the historical museums or heritage monuments. It would be interesting and informative for the kids. Or arrange a tri colour kite flying competition. How about gifting motivational biographies of freedom leaders. For smaller kids you could involve them in making simple fun filled tri colour recipes and read out stories of brave freedom fighters. Our children emulate us so let us initiate simple social activities that give them a feeling of responsibility towards the society.

    Every year our celebrations are upheld by the national spirit, pride and hope that is renewed every year by our future generations. Yesterday while I was having a chat with my friend she told me that her 3 year old girl is practicing the National Anthem for the Independence Day Celebrations in her school..Though she wasn’t clear in pronouncing the lyrics/knew what the song was all about, she could recognize our flag and the tri colour. Amazing!! The future generation has begun their expression of patriotism, & perhaps its best that we encourage, appreciate & role model as parents. Jai Hind!!

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