1. Being a Mother - The Deli ...

Being a Mother - The Delicate Balance

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Parentune Support


3 months ago

Being a Mother - The Delicate Balance

I was born when my first child was born. I always had maternal instincts, always loved children. But i gradually learnt, being a mother is a totally different ball game.

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I had a difficult pregnancy after aborting my first baby. I gave up my highly rewarding career when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was prescribed to take 4 insulin shots a day throughout my pregnancy. I would pray all day for a healthy child and finally God answered my prayers with a baby boy, Jai. I was over the moon. I was his best friend and played with him all day. We used to read books together since he was 6 months old and be outdoors most of the time.  I loved being his buddy and playing football with him. But as he grew older, I realized that I have been his friend but not his mother. Though I was fun to be with, I had ignored his eating habits and when he went to school, I realized that he was lacking on the discipline front too.

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    Nevertheless, life was great and we decided to have another baby when my son was 3 years old. Even though I knew that I would again have to take 4 shots everyday for 9 months, I was eager to be a mother for the second time. Now I had to focus more on my own health rather than run after Jai all the time and that he was not able to tolerate. He became more difficult to handle.

    That’s when it struck me that being a mother does not mean simply giving birth. A mother has to mould her child like clay. I took time to regain my own health and then started working on rectifying what I had earlier ignored. Though it took me some time and a lot of effort, I have now almost rectified these issues. It is a challenge to be his friend as well as influence him to do certain things that are vital for him.

    My baby Jia, is the best thing that ever happened to me and with every passing day, I am learning to be a better mother for both my children. I have to keep a different approach for both of them as well as bind them together. It is the most challenging, satisfying and wonderful phase of my life and I am thankful that God has given me this pleasure.

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