Pregnancy Calendar

The 280-day countdown begins here – even though you haven’t yet conceived. It’s business as usual for your body this week. You’re having a period, so you know you’re not pregnant. But if you conceive during this menstrual cycle, the first day of your period will count as the first day of pregnancy. It’s a good idea to review your lifestyle and to make sure that you understand how everything works “inside”. Knowing the facts may help to raise your chances of conceiving.

While at this stage ovulation occurs, there is no foetus kicking inside of you yet! However, this is the best time for you to conceive as your egg is patiently waiting for a stronger swimmer sperm to fertilise it.
While your soon-to-be baby (now a blastocyst) is growing, it is during the third week of pregnancy that your baby’s sex, appearance and even some of his personality and intelligence traits can be determined at fertilisation.
Your growing baby is now a size of a poppy seed, but despite its size there’s plenty of activity going on and this very week marks the beginning of embryonic period.
Right now, your baby is the size of on orange seed and his or her heart and circulatory system are finally developing. The best part is that the hCG hormone in your body is high enough to confirm that you are final expecting.
Taking huge developmental strides as of now, your baby is the size of the pea and soon will you will be able to hear his or her heartbeat on vaginal ultrasound with almost 160 beats per minute – double the speed of your heartbeat.
As of now, your baby is the size of a blueberry and is growing at a remarkable place. In fact, if one thinks of it the only thing growing faster than your baby’s brain and overall development are your sensitive, achy breasts.
Now your baby is as big as raspberry. Now that’s amazing, isn’t it? It is now that your embryo has started moving in the womb, his or her taste buds is now forming, while you are just running in and out of bathroom, thanks to the morning sickness.
From beginning to move around to developing his muscles, at the onset of your third month, your baby is going to be the size of a green olive.
In this week, your baby is the size of a prune. While your little bundle of joy is busy building his or her cartilage and bones, you might be suffering from constant constipation.

By now the apple of your eye is of the size of a lime. Your adorable little baby is starting to look more human inside, and you start to glow from inside, out.

Resembling a size of a small plum, your baby has doubled up in size ((so have you!) and will start to look really cute in those womb pictures.

By now your baby is 2.5 to 3-inches long, equivalent to the size of a peach. But, as the first trimester draws to a close your sex life might take a turn for better or for worse.

By the 14th week of pregnancy, your baby is the size of your fist. Right from frowning, squinting, peeing to probably sucking his or her thumb, your baby is now sprouting hair all over; while for moms those first trimester symptoms might be easing up a bit!

You might be coping with some dental issues and won’t be feeling anything yet, but your baby, the size of a navel orange, is squirming a ton, hiccupping while kicking those legs and flexing those elbows.

By now your baby is the size of an avocado and he or she is slowly developing eyesight and eyelashes, while you would be just packing on pounds.

Things are becoming lively in your uterus. Your baby has plenty of room to move around and s/he’s making the most of it, stretching and turning. All the activity is good for baby's future physical and mental development. The baby’s rapid heartbeat, easily distinguished from your own, may be strong enough for a doctor to detect with a hand-held probe. The mouth opens and shuts regularly, and your baby can swallow, may yawn, and occasionally hiccups. At 17 weeks the average crown to rump length is 13cm (5.1in) and the average weight is 140g (5oz). Curling and stretching, arms and legs flailing, the baby is constantly changing position, lying first head-up and then head-down. Fluid is pushed out of the lungs as the baby practises breathing movements.

By the 18th week of pregnancy, your sweetheart would be a size of a sweet potato. While you might be suffering from a bothersome back, your baby’s kicks and feels of moving around will make you relish this new phase of pregnancy.

By now, your baby has grown up to be a size of a mango. Your little bundle of joys’ skin has a much more protective coating now, while you might be looking for some relief for your painful leg cramps.

At around 6.5 inches in height, when measured from head to bottom, by now your baby is the size of a small banana. By the 20th week of pregnancy, your baby is swallowing so much more, which in turn is helping him or her to build a healthy digestive system. By now, your baby will be having fun kicking and twisting in somersaults, which is in all probability going to take you by surprise. Even though your tiny bundle of joy is growing bigger and stronger by now, there are some key developmental processes happening in this stage. The nerves in the brain that will be controlling the senses are now developing, soon that will enable your baby to develop their sense of hearing, taste and touch.

Congratulations mommies! You’re halfway through your pregnancy! Once you enter your second trimester, it’s best to understand your pregnancy week by week. This way you can make the best decisions for yourself and your baby. Now your baby should be about 8-10 inches tall and would weigh around 350 gms.

Most moms find second trimester as the most comfortable trimester. They have gotten used to the idea of being pregnant but moving around is still not very difficult. Your baby should now weigh around 400 gms. Do not worry if your baby’s weight is slightly low, each baby’s different. Consult your doctor for more details and advice.

Don’t be surprised if people have started noticing your belly. You’ll notice that your baby bump is now visible as your uterus is growing day-by-day. Your baby should now be approximately 11-14 inches tall and weigh around 450 gms.

You’re nearing your third trimester! Aren’t you excited? The good news is that your baby’s development is happening at a rapid rate now. Your baby should now weigh around 600-700 gms.

At week 25, you’ve been pregnant for around 6 months and are nearing the end of your second trimester. Although you still have plenty of time left, you may want to sign up for antenatal classes. Are you nervous? Excited? It is natural to feel a mixture of emotions at this stage. You can try yoga or meditation, to prepare your mind for the final leg of pregnancy. Your baby should now weigh around 700-800 gms.

Congratulations! You’re now 2 weeks away from entering your third trimester! Whether time has been flying by or crawling, you’ll be happy to know that the last leg of this journey has almost begun. Your baby should now weigh approximately 900 grams.

You are about to enter your last trimester this week. Did you know that the baby's heartbeat can now be heard through a stethoscope? Next time you visit your doctor or the radiologist for a scan, you could request them to help you listen to the heartbeat. Also, your baby should now weigh approximately 1 kg. Doesn’t it sound exciting?

You’re in your final trimester now and your baby may be getting quite active. Although he/she is still small enough to move around inside the uterus, get ready for more feet and hands pushing against your belly and bladder. Your baby should now weigh approximately 1.25-1.4 kg.

You’re in your final trimester now and your baby may be getting quite active. Although he/she is still small enough to move around inside the uterus, get ready for more feet and hands pushing against your belly and bladder. Your baby should now weigh approximately 1.25-1.4 kg.

You’re now 10 weeks away from meeting your bundle of joy. Also, your belly's increasing size is a definite clue that your baby is getting bigger every day. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 1.4-1.5 kg.

At 31 weeks, you’re getting closer to meet your little one. Be patient as it will be all worth it. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 1.6-1.8 kgs.

You may be starting to feel like you’ve been pregnant forever. These last eight weeks can become tiresome, but remember that every week brings you one step closer to the arrival of your little one. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 1.8-2 kg.

You are well into your third trimester and must be thinking about what life will be with your new baby. By this time, your body has been feeling the effects of being pregnant for more than seven months. You may also be dealing with uncomfortable aches, pains, and swollen body parts. With just a handful of weeks to go in your pregnancy, you should know about signs of early labour and when to rush to the hospital. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 2-2.3 kg.

Congratulations, you’ve made it to week 34 of your pregnancy. You may be feeling like you’ve been pregnant forever! Please note that most babies don’t arrive on their due date or even within a couple of days of that target. Many babies arrive after week 37 or a couple of weeks after their due date. Every pregnancy is different and there’s usually no harm if a baby arrives a week or two early or late. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 2.3-2.5 kg.

You’re entering the final stretch of your pregnancy. It won’t be long before you meet your baby. Many babies arrive after week 37 or a couple of weeks after their due date. Every pregnancy is different and there’s usually no harm if a baby arrives a week or two early or late. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 2.5-2.7 kg.

You have reached 36 weeks and your baby could arrive any time. We hope you enjoy these last several weeks of pregnancy. Do remember that every pregnancy is different and there’s usually no harm if a baby arrives a week or two early or late. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 2.6-3.1 kg.

When you got to know you were pregnant, you probably wondered what it would feel like to be eight or nine months pregnant. Now you know. Life may not be so comfortable these days, but one truth remains: You’re getting very close to finally meeting your baby. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 2.7-3.2 kg.

Just as your baby is preparing for life his/her outside the womb, at 38 weeks your body is also preparing for the big day. You’re getting very close to finally meeting your baby. By this week your baby weight should be approximately 2.8-3.2 kg.

In week 39 of pregnancy you’ve most likely not been through any dramatic changes which you didn’t experience earlier. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 3-3.4 kg.

You are there, you’ve made it! Congratulations on reaching 40’Th week of your pregnancy. Although you probably thought that you would never get to this milestone, take it as a personal accomplishment. You will probably be welcoming your baby this week. By this week your baby should weigh approximately 3-4 kg.

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