Early Childhood Nutrition

Puja Sharma Vasisht
Jul 17, 2022 | 1 to 3 years
7 Nutrition Tips To Help In Constip..
If your little one has been struggling with her motions in the morning, or if she has hard stools, the chances are she is constipated. How to deal with it? You may need to visit your pediatrician if it is chronic. Apart from any laxative/medication p...
Protect your child from DTP & Polio. Ask your Pediatrician today
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Lakshmi Kapoor Verma
Feb 08, 2023 | 1 to 3 years
Know What's The Right Way To Feed Y..
With toddlers, one of the biggest concerns any mom has is of food. You might have gone through the stage, or heard other moms complaining about how their little one does not eat or about what is the right food to give etc. This blog is a quick gui...

Puja Sharma Vasisht
Dec 02, 2024 | 1 to 3 years
Weight Gain Foods For Your Toddler
Are you asking yourself the following questions? 1) Is your toddler underweight? 2) Do you feel that your child is not eating right? 3) How can you make your child gain a healthy amount of weight? 4) What is the average baby weight? 5) What is the be...
Keep flu at bay. Ask your child's doctor about Flu vaccination
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Archana Batra
Feb 24, 2025 | 3 to 7 years
What If Your Child Falling-short of..
Is your child getting tired or worn-out easily? Is s/he showing signs of exhaustion every day? Worry not. Dr. Archana Batra, Nutritionist, Physiotherapist & a certified Diabetes Educator shares expert guidance on how to: Give a ba...

Nandini Muralidharan
Jul 10, 2018 | 1 to 3 years
How I Added Health & Taste to my To..
Around the time my toddler turned two, the calm, serene toddler who loved trying new foods suddenly wanted only curd rice for every meal. Here is how I helped my toddler develop a palette which is nutritious and tastier to feed his growing developmen...
Be a Flu safe Family,Ask your doctor about Flu vaccination
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Puja Sharma Vasisht
Oct 06, 2022 | 1 to 3 years
Your Child's Food Requirements Are..
Come to think of it, is it OK to feed a toddler what we eat as adults, a similar palette? Is it going to meet the nutritional needs of a child between 2-5 years of age? If the answer is “no”, then let's understand some key differences...

Cheena Maini Gujral
Jul 13, 2018 | 1 to 3 years
How I Changed My Child's Nutrition..
My child Ivaan was deficient on nutrition because of his choosy eating patterns. His disliking for fruits and carbs, was evidently making him dull and lethargic as he was turning a toddler. Here is how I discovered a way to tackle this, how I found a...

Canisha Kapoor
Aug 27, 2021 | 1 to 3 years
How Do You Monitor Your Child's Gro..
How should you monitor your child’s growth? Growth denotes increase in physical size of the body and development denotes improvement in skills and function of an individual. Together they denote physical, intellectual, emotional and social...

Nandini Muralidharan
Jul 25, 2018 | 1 to 3 years
My Child Met All Her Developmental..
As a parent, one eagerly waits for their child’s key milestones. That first-time s/he turns over, the first smile, the first-time s/he sits up, or the first step she takes. And of course, hearing “mama” or “papa” for the...

Urvashi Shah
Jul 25, 2018 | 1 to 3 years
Is Your Child's Nutrition Appropria..
I was the first one to get a resolve when it came to suggesting recipes to my fellow moms for their food-fussy toddler. However, I was left awestruck, when I had a close interaction with a Nutritionist, and she had a chat with me about the diet of my...

Canisha Kapoor
Jan 17, 2025 | 1 to 3 years
How to please a Fussy Eater?
The period between 2 to 5 years of age is characterized by an increase in activity levels. This coupled with the small tummy of your child means that a range of vital nutrients needs to be combined in small feed volumes so that your child can consume...

Sudha Raj
Jul 21, 2022 | 1 to 3 years
How To Make Meal Plan Interesting F..
Early childhood, which includes the preschool stage (2–5 years), is the phase of physical, emotional, and mental development and forms the foundation for the child’s future well- being. Adequate and wholesome nutrition plays a vital role...

Supriya Jaiswal
May 14, 2019 | 1 to 3 years
पेट भरा पर पोषण मिला क्या ?
क्या आप चाहती हैं की आपका बच्चा खाना अच्छे से खाए बिना किन्ही मिन्नतों के, बिना TV पर कार्टून देखते हुए, बिना रोये, मुस्कुराते हुए । मानती हूँ की ये किसी सपने से कम नहीं है, पर एक बात और भी है गौर करने की, बच्चे को केवल भर पेट खिलाना काफी है क्...

Dr. Surbhi Saini
Nov 15, 2018 | 0 to 1 years
How To Foster Overall Development F..
The overall development of a child is dependent on many factors. However, keeping a vigil eye on certain mental and physical growth parameters helps you monitor the overall development of your child. Know these important factors you should look at to...

Feb 28, 2019 | 1 to 3 years
5 Nutrition Best Practices To Impro..
There is a strong relationship between nutrition, health, and learning. Nutrition in early years is linked to not just physical health but also to learning skills and academic performance in children. A proper balance of nutrients in this formative p...

Nov 15, 2018 | 1 to 3 years
Nutrition Requirements Of Children..
Pre-school children grow rapidly and have higher activity levels and nutrient requirements. It’s important to understand that their small tummy cannot accommodate enough to obtain all the necessary nutrients from their regular meals. This blog...

Canisha Kapoor
Nov 15, 2018 | 1 to 3 years
How Wholesome Breakfast Improves Ch..
Breakfast is the most vital meal of the day for your kids. Children who eat breakfast regularly are more likely to have a higher intake of total carbohydrate, dietary fibre, macronutrients and micronutrients compared with children who skip breakfast....

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