Covid-19 Support For Parents

Stay home. Ask Doctors I Home Treatment & Care I Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Care I Mental health & wellness I Nutrition I Child safety with a COVID case at home I Baby's vaccination in COVID times 

The Corona pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. It has affected everyone. The Corona Virus cases in India have seen a huge rise recently.

It is of utmost importance that we take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread. To help families wade through these difficult and testing times, Parentune has started this support group where we will provide expert verified information on how you can protect yourself from this disease. This includes signs and symptoms, nutrition that can improve immunity and help you fight against this disease, Corona Vaccination, how Corona can impact your pregnancy Corona Updates and what is the process to get yourself tested. This page will give you access to information like Coronavirus symptoms day by day, Coronavirus symptoms vs flu symptoms, latest teatment for Coronavirus, Covid lung infection recovery time.

Besides this, this page will also provide valuable information on how to manage Covid-19 with expert answers on frequently asked questions - for those who have been infected and are getting treated at home, along with important tips for other family members in the same house. Cases  of corona have also been observed in pregnant women and children and to help you, this page will provide useful and verified information on those lines inclusing delivery during Covid times.

We shall also offer information on how you can help your child during Social Isolation, how to stay calm and mental health.

We shall keep updating this with the latest information.

Stay informed! Stay safe!




Mar 12, 2020 | Pregnancy

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection, P..

Find the latest updates on the Novel-Coronavirus (2019 nCov or COVID-19) has surfaced in China's Wuhan province. The virus and the infection which shares similarity with the deadly SARS virus (from Coronavirus family), has started to bring b...

Protect your child from DTP & Polio. Ask your Pediatrician today

Know More

Apr 01, 2020 | Pregnancy

Coronavirus (2019-nCov) Sample Coll..

Find the nearest test centre for Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19). The list is released by Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR). Also in the blog Helpline numbers for Coronavirus for all states and Union Territories of India...

Protecting Child From Corona

Protecting Child From Corona
Mar 26, 2020 | Pregnancy

Latest Live Updates - Coronavirus o..

Find the latest updates on the Novel-Coronavirus (2019 nCov or COVID-19) here, in one place. Stay aware and avoid panic about the infection...

Lets pledge to defeat Meningitis in India

Know More
Neha Sharma

Neha Sharma
Jun 30, 2020 | 1 to 3 years

COVID-19: Impact of Social Isolatio..

Corona times have posed several new order challenges for families. Preschools, Daycares & schools are shut, and children are not being allowed to go out and play in the open for safety reasons. While this social isolation or social distancin...

Dr Pooja Mittal

Dr Pooja Mittal
Mar 20, 2020 | Pregnancy

COVID-19: How Does Coronavirus Impa..

Coronavirus has been a new viral infection that has turned into an epidemic infecting more than 200,000 in the world. Here’s what is known about how risky it is for expecting moms and their babies. Here Dr. Pooja Mittal addresses some of these...

Stop flu with peak protection

Know More
Somya Gupta

Somya Gupta
Mar 27, 2020 | 1 to 3 years

How to protect your babies and chil..

It’s logical to be worried about your child’s safety when the whole world is reeling from a pandemic shock. Fortunately, keeping the child safe from the Covid-19 infection only needs a few basic hygiene practices...


Apr 20, 2020 | Pregnancy

How to Stay Safe from Coronavirus (..

Coronavirus needs humans to grow and multiply, this much has been proven. However, it may not need humans to commute from one place to another. This blog is about disrupting this mode of transportation for the virus. Read on to know how...  ...


Apr 05, 2020 | Pregnancy

10 Things to Take Care of While Lig..

Lighting diyas and lamp for solidarity in the fight against Novel Coronavirus. Take care of these aspects and stay safe...  

Bidemi Nelson

Bidemi Nelson
Jul 09, 2020 | 3 to 7 years

Five Crucial Homeschooling Tips Dur..

With the global lockdown experienced due to the Covid_19 pandemic, many children have been out of touch with the usual modes of learning. Compounding matters is that many learning materials used by children are largely at school, leaving many parents...

Zahra  Jani

Zahra Jani
Jan 07, 2022 | Pregnancy

How can mothers vaccinate their chi..

A rise in delayed vaccination cases across the country due to Covid-19 is worrisome for parents. As a Child's immunity continues to develop, they are more prone to infections and diseases than adults. It is very important to get the right informa...

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan
Jun 18, 2020 | Pregnancy

Recovering from COVID

Learn how to suspected or confirmed mild case of Covid-19 and things you need to keep at home.


Jun 26, 2020 | 11 to 16 years

How has Covid-19 pandemic affected..

A few of the examinations of CBSE 10th, 12th Board Exams 2020 were left pending when the schools and colleges closed due to lockdown. The COVID situation is worsening all over the country. Conducting a public exam, exposing lakhs of students in this...

Dr Rakesh  Tiwari

Dr Rakesh Tiwari
Jul 18, 2020 | 0 to 1 years

Safety Tips when stepping out for c..

A newborn baby has passive immunity, which is borrowed immunity from the mother. This helps the baby during the first couple of months, but this gradually goes down and the baby eventually has to learn to fight the diseases on his own. The immuniz...

Dr Pooja Mittal

Dr Pooja Mittal
Jul 18, 2020 | Pregnancy

Is It Safe To Conceive During COVID..

Planning a pregnancy know eveything you should keep in mind as Dr Pooja Mittal explains the do's and dont's in this video.

Ambili S Kartha

Ambili S Kartha
Jul 21, 2020 | Pregnancy

Delivery During COVID Times - Natu..

Pregnancy is a special time full of excitement and anticipation. However, the fear and anxiety about the outbreak of COVID-19 are, no doubt, clouding this precious time. The rate of COVID cases is still increasing alarmingly. Expecting mom might b...

Shikha Batra

Shikha Batra
Jul 24, 2020 | 7 to 11 years

Activities to deal with stress and..

As COVID-19 PANDEMIC continues to prevail and expand across the globe, there are many uncertainties in our minds. But one thing which is certain in the current scenario is that the outbreak will have a profound impact on the psychosocial well-being o...

Dr Himani Narula Khanna

Dr Himani Narula Khanna
Jul 25, 2020 | 3 to 7 years

Tips for Parents of Autistic Childr..

If you have child on the Autism Spectrum, you should be careful with what information you pass on to him, especially during Covid times. Watch this video as Dr. Himani Khanna Narula shares effective tips for parents of autistic children during Covid....

Shikha Batra

Shikha Batra
Jul 26, 2020 | 0 to 1 years

Postpartum Depression in Covid Time..

A very close friend of mine, Sanjana recently delivered a baby during these COVID times. Since the time she returned home from the hospital, she seemed to be anxious as well as worried about how she would cope up with this new addition in the family,...

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan
Sep 05, 2020 | Pregnancy

The Science of Covid-19

Watch this video and know all about Covid-19 including watch-outs and treatment. Stay aware, stay prepared. 

Dr. Vibha  Krishnamurthy

Dr. Vibha Krishnamurthy
Sep 10, 2020 | 1 to 3 years

Will my child regress in absence of..

One of the concerns in the current times for parents of children on the autism spectrum has been, whether their child will regress in absence of regular therapy sessions during this period of lockdown and pandemic. In this video, Dr. Vibha Krishnamur...

Dr. Manoj Yadav

Dr. Manoj Yadav
Jan 10, 2022 | 0 to 1 years

Getting Vaccination During Covid Ti..

Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. Vaccine stimulates the body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or disease. I...

Shikha Batra

Shikha Batra
Jan 10, 2022 | 3 to 7 years

Impact of Covid 19 on the mental he..

What is going to be its impact on us and our near and dear ones? How long will it last? When will schools reopen? Will life ever get back to normalcy? These days such questions are hovering in the minds of younger and older individuals al...

Shikha Batra

Shikha Batra
Jan 05, 2021 | 3 to 7 years

Family Vision of 2021 amidst COVID..

In 2020 as many of our plans were either slowed down or stalled due to the pandemic, there are still reasons to have hope for the future. As the new year has already begun it’s time now to chart a family vision with newer hopes and aspirations...

Dr. Vikas Singhal

Dr. Vikas Singhal
Jan 09, 2022 | Pregnancy

Managing COVID 19 at home 10 practi..

As a health professional myself going through home isolation for mild symptoms of COVID 19 at the moment, there are a few things I want to share with everyone. Before I do that though I do want to say that you must realize that in terms of treatment...

Neha Rastogi

Neha Rastogi
Apr 21, 2021 | 3 to 7 years

Learn How To Stay Safe From Corona..

In these times, it is extremely important to take all precautions to stay safe from Corona. That includes wearing your masks properly, staying at home as much as possible, sanitizing, washing hands and taking care of your immunity. These simple thing...

Dr Pooja Mittal

Dr Pooja Mittal
Jan 10, 2022 | Pregnancy

COVID – 19 And Pregnancy: What Expe..

Effects of Coronavirus on Pregnancy Pregnant women do not appear more likely to contract the infection than the general population. However, pregnancy itself alters the body's immune system and response to viral infections, which can occasiona...

Shalini Singh

Shalini Singh
May 14, 2021 | Pregnancy

How to manage Covid-19: Questions &..

Q1. What measures can I take to prevent my child from having COVID-19 infection?  It can be a confusing time and it is okay to be worried for your children. Continue to take all personal protective measures like frequent hand washing or hand...

Dharun  Sharma

Dharun Sharma
Apr 27, 2021 | Pregnancy

How a Corona Positive Father & His..

Cases of Covid Positive are increasing and there is increased fear and anxiety. It is important, especially during these trying times to stay calm, take the right steps and stay motivated. Watch this video of Dharun Sharma, father to a 4 year old Adh...

Kumkum Jagadish

Kumkum Jagadish
Jan 10, 2022 | 1 to 3 years

Mental Health and Coping During CO..

The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. While we take all precautions, stay safe and help others, it is also important that we take care of our mental health. We spoke to Kumkum Jagadish, Counseling Psychologist who has given out some really u...

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan
Jun 01, 2021 | Pregnancy

How to improve your Oxygen levels..

Prone Position helps in improving oxygen levels. Watch this as Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan talks about Prone Position and how it can help. Dr. Ramanathan also demonstrates how to do prone position and improve your immunity and health. 

Dr. Vidya Ganpathy

Dr. Vidya Ganpathy
May 18, 2021 | Pregnancy

How To Look After Your Mental Healt..

Mental Health has taken a toll during the Pandemic. With fear and anxiety all around, it is important that we do activities and focus on our mental well-being. Watch this as Psychologist Dr. Vidya Ganpathy talks of anxiety during COVID pandemic and h...

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan
Aug 14, 2022 | 1 to 3 years

How Blowing Bubbles can help a chil..

Do you know How Blowing Bubbles can help a child’s oxygen levels. Watch as Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan shows how it can be done and how it improves your child's immunity.

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan
Jan 08, 2022 | Pregnancy

Box Breathing technique to improve..

Learn from Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan about Box Breathing technique to improve oxygen levels.

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan
May 03, 2021 | Pregnancy

Points to be taken care of while ge..

Watch this as Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan talks about things you need to take care of while getting prepared for Covid-19. This means increasing your immunity by way of eating well, staying hydrated, sleeping well, staying connected and keeping calm.

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan

Dr. Sandhya Ramanathan
May 07, 2021 | Pregnancy

How To Make Sure You Don't Infect O..

You need to make sure that you wear the mask properly. Watch this as Dr. Sandhya Ramanthan demonstrates how to wear a mask properly, how to wear it, how to take it off. It is also advisable these days to wear a double mask.

Khushnooma  Kapadia

Khushnooma Kapadia
May 13, 2021 | 1 to 3 years

MIS-C After Covid In Children

I just wanted to start this by qualifying that by no means is this an attempt to dramatize or undermine any individual’s personal experiences. Everybody has their own worries, their own reactions and their own perceptions. My humble attempt to...

Ambili S Kartha

Ambili S Kartha
May 13, 2021 | 1 to 3 years

Covid19 Vaccine: When Will Children..

It is no secret that India is struggling to fight this second wave of the COVID-19 virus. It is hitting us a lot harder than expected and we are at the end of our rope. However, there are vaccines now, which are available for adults. Depending on the...


May 18, 2021 | 3 to 7 years

7 Steps for Family's recovery From..

It was April 26th, around 9:30 PM when my father, who had recently moved in with us, was taken to the hospital. He had broken his hip bone and needed to be admitted. He needed to be tested for Covid as a protocol. And he tested positive  ...

Shalini Singh

Shalini Singh
May 19, 2021 | Pregnancy

Black Fungus in Covid Patients: Wha..

Following the second wave of Covid-19, a serious fungal infection is being observed in a lot of Covid-19 patients in recent times. The fungus enters the sinus and paves its way into the intraorbital and intracranial regions. If not detected early, it...

Shalini Singh

Shalini Singh
May 21, 2021 | 1 to 3 years

Covaxin Clinical Trials for 2-18 Ye..

Amidst the concern that the third wave of Corona Virus Pandemic may affect children, the first Indian trial of a Covaxin, homegrown Covid-19 vaccine on children is set to start in the next 10-12 days The Drugs Controller General of India has appro...

कोरोना से बचाव के लिए इम्यूनिटी कैसे बढ़ाएं
Dr Mrunal Jamdar

Dr. Mrunal Jamdar
Apr 29, 2021 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm

कोरोना से बचाव के लिए इम्यूनिटी कैसे बढ़ाएं?

कोरोना से बचाव के लिए इम्यूनिटी कैसे बढ़ाएं?

प्रेग्नेंसी में कोरोना संक्रमण के जोखिम व बचाव के उपाय
Dr Pooja Mittal Gynaecologist

Dr Pooja Mittal, Gynaecologist
May 04, 2021 2:30 pm - 3:40 pm

प्रेग्नेंसी में कोरोना संक्रमण के जोखिम व बचाव के उपाय

प्रेग्नेंसी में कोरोना संक्रमण के जोखिम व बचाव के उपाय

Ruby Gupta

commented on a talk : My son is 8 months old. W..


created a talk : My son is 8 months old. W..

Ruby Gupta

commented on a talk : मेरी उम्र 35 वर्ष है और म..


created a talk : मेरी उम्र 35 वर्ष है और म..

Sanghajaya Jadhav

shared a parenting blog : गुढीपाडवा थाळी –बालगोपाळांसाठी पारंपरिक चव आणि पौष्टिकतेचा मिलाफ!

Sanghajaya Jadhav

commented on a talk : what activites can we do..

Sanghajaya Jadhav

supported a talk : what activites can we do..

Ruby Gupta

commented on a talk : pregnancy ke baad weight..


created a talk : pregnancy ke baad weight..

Ruby Gupta

commented on a talk : कृपया 9 साल के लड़के के ल..



