Unplugging Parenting: How ...
Here’s one very powerful statement to think over: “Children close their ears to advice but open their eyes to example.” This brings us to the next thought--why so much fascination around devices and gadgets? Because parents are constantly in the company of technology! We know we will miss important messages if we don’t flip through our online accounts every 30 minutes or so. We don’t let anything wait and make everything urgent and important. The child also starts to think that is the way of life.
From concentration and bonding issues to physical health hazards, we are all well aware of the dangers that overuse of technology poses for our child. Here our pro-parent Neha Mittal brings you tips on how you can help your child balance gadgets with the other pleasures of life. Here are some :
The key idea is to use technology, but with discretion and don’t let it become a substitute for holistic and affectionate parenting. I would request all parents to please contribute and add to the above list and make my article complete.
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