What If Teen Rude & Back- ...
Teenage is a critical and crucial time in a child’s life. This is the time when a child is exploring the range of her capabilities, evolving towards adulthood and challenging the preset norms that she has to abide by in the real world. One of the major fallouts of teenage is “back talk” to parents, which can be a frustrating and challenging time for parents. While interacting with parents of teenage children I came across the issue of backtalk, it is not just cropping with parents of teenagers but also with parents who have children as young as 6 years old.
As alarming as it is, backtalk from children has been an age-old problem but there are many ways a parent may react that can result in checking the development of this problem at an early phase of a child’s life. Read on to find out what to do if your teen rude & back-talking to you?
Do not despair, dear parents, by keeping a cool and calm demeanor you could get the backtalk behavior of your child in control. Remember the more out of control and angry you get the more control the child has on you and the situation. You may not see the changed results instantly but over a period of time, you will notice the positive changes in your child’s behavior when it comes to backtalk. Tips that may work to your advantage and break the vicious cycle:
Parents need to constantly remember that teens are at a crucial stage in life. They are going through so many changes both physically and mentally. They have external stress factors like school, studies, friends, social interactions and many more. All of this is new to them and they are trying to deal with it as best as they know. They are the same children who cried when the parents left them on the first day of school, they still love their parents the same only now they have a different way of showing.
Times have changed, what we as teenagers went through is very different from what our children are going through, most of the time when a parent says “I know, I understand” - they don’t!! Letting the teenager confess and confide may be the best solution to maintain the trust and respect in the relationship
"Stop trying to perfect your child, but keep trying to perfect your relationship with him." - Dr. Henker
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