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Dry Skin In Babies: 8 Ways To Deal With It

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Ambili S Kartha


2 years ago

Dry Skin In Babies: 8 Ways To Deal With It

Dry skin in babies is a common condition that can cause discomfort and itchiness. It occurs when the skin loses its natural moisture, making it appear dull, rough, and sometimes cracked. Factors that contribute to dry skin in babies include harsh soaps, long baths, cold weather, and low humidity. To prevent and manage dry skin in babies, it is important to keep them hydrated, use gentle skin products, dress them in soft fabrics, and follow other best practices. Learn more about how to deal with dry skin in babies here but before that let's know the causes behind it. 

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What Causes Dry Skin In Babies?

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    There are quite common reasons/causes that may result in dry skin in your baby. Here are a few of them.

    1. Weather: Extreme cold and hot weather can rob the moisture from the baby's skin. Therefore exposing the baby to the sun, dry or cold wind, etc. can turn the skin of the baby dry
    2. Surrounding temperature: If a home's central heating system is too hot, or air condition makes the room too cold (grown-ups may not feel the slight differences, but the baby's skin will) then, the air in the house will gradually lose its moisture and eventually dries out the baby's skin
    3. Long baths: Prolonged bathing of the baby can sponge down the natural skin oils secreted by the sebaceous glands leading to dry skin
    4. Chlorinated water: Bathing of baby in chemically-treated or chlorinated water can also damage and dry the skin
    5. Harsh soaps: Any non-baby soap can be harsh on the delicate skin of the baby, giving rise to dryness

    What Are The Other Reasons For Dry Skin In Babies?

    Dry skin can be an indication of several skin issues as well. Here are four common skin issues that cause dry skin in babies

    1. Eczema: This is an allergic skin condition distinguished by itchy rashes mostly on the cheeks and forehead. Dry skin rash is a foremost symptom of eczema
    2. Pityriasis Alba: This is eczema that only appears on the face, arms, and torso
    3. Psoriasis: Even though it may look like eczema, it is not an allergic skin condition but a more serious autoimmune disease
    4. Cradle cap: Cradle cap is quite common, zero serious, dry flakes that appear on the scalp of newborns. It is caused due to the overproduction of skin sebum and will resolve its own. Many layers of dry skin on the scalp are common in babies with cradle cap

    How To Deal With Dry Skin In Babies?

    Depending on the dryness level of your baby’s skin there are different treatment methods. Dry skin that is caused due to environmental issues can be treated in the following ways. You can also read importance of Moisturising Baby's skin. https://www.parentune.com/parent-blog/importance-of-moisturising-baby-s-skin/5675

    1. Limit the bath time: Bathing can turn the baby's skin dries out the skin's natural oils along with the dirt. Mainly, spending too much time in the tub, that too in hot water, can ebb away the skin's natural oils, exposing the bare skin, and increasing the chances of skin damage. It is recommended to limit the bath time to 10 min. And, also bathe the baby in warm water rather than hot water even in winter. Unless your little one has had a messy day, bathe him every alternate day. However, you should give him a wipe in the key areas every day
    2. Avoid harsh soaps: It is better to choose gentle, unscented, hypoallergenic bathing or shower gels, or liquid soaps with added moisturizers, instead of standard baby soap. If you prefer a baby soap, pick ones that have additional moisturizers such as oils. Steer clear of soaps that contain alcohol and added fragrance and also, bubble baths, as they can dry the baby's skin quickly
    3. Use moisturizing lotions after bathing the baby: Apply a daily moisturizing head-to-toe ointment/lotion/cream to your baby's dry skin. It is important to use it within three minutes after baby's bath. This is a more effective way to deal with dry skin as this way, as you can lock moisture into the baby's skin
    4. Select clothes made of natural fabrics: It is important to switch to gentle and breathable cotton clothes and totally avoid clothes made from synthetic fiber once your baby show signs of dry skin. Synthetic clothes aggravate irritation and itching of the dry skin
    5. Use a laundry detergent that is baby friendly: Picking natural fabrics alone is not enough. If you use harsh laundry detergent to wash baby's cloth, it will aggravate the dryness and irritation of the baby's skin. You must wash them only in baby laundry detergents. Choose a detergent specifically for babies with sensitive skin
    6. Dress the baby properly on winter days: Mittens and hats should be a must when you take your child out during winters. Put on a full-sleeved jacket and a cap can cover the ears and scalp. Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly as it will help in preventing your child's face from getting chapped on cold winter days
    7. Use a humidifier: Dry air is the worst enemy of a baby's skin. Place a humidifier in your baby's room during dry, winter months to maintain a steady level of air moisture Remember to clean the humidifier daily to prevent mold growth. Also, always set your thermostat as near as 68° F
    8. Keep the baby hydrated, especially in winter: Ensure the baby is well hydrated. Feed him more breast milk or formula. You should encourage the older baby to drink water

    Remember, dry skin is common in babies, and it usually goes away on its own. However, by following these tips, you can help keep your baby's skin soft, smooth, and healthy.

    Don't forget to share this video with other parents who may be struggling with dry skin in their babies. By sharing this information, you can help other parents ease their babies' discomfort and prevent dry skin from becoming a more serious issue. Together, we can support each other in keeping our little ones healthy, happy, and comfortable. 

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