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With the fall in temperature hardly countering the breeding of mosquitoes, dengue fever is on the rise. Even while the government takes measures to prevent dengue, we need to begin with our homes, and our surroundings to control mosquitoes. Elders and little children are more prone to infections due to their low levels of immunity. Read on to find out more about Dengue and what you can do to protect your loved ones.
Dengue fever is a mosquito borne viral disease that spreads with bite of Anopheles mosquito. When the virus circulates in the human body with a bite, it takes 4 to 10 days for a symptom to occur in an infected person. The major symptom is the severe joint pain and due to the severity, it is also known as break bone fever.
General symptoms associated with dengue fever are..
These symptoms can cause complications if unattended. Blood in vomit with profound weakness and breathlessness are signs of a medical emergency. Read More on Symptoms of Dengue
Dengue is spreading in every state in our country at a rapid pace. For every 6 + cases, there is a child.Here’s why children are prone to this dreaded illness.
No specific medicine has been proven to treat dengue completely. So Ayurveda has some solutions to control the symptoms. It is important to keep dengue patient well hydrated to better fight the disease. Unsweetened juices and nutritious soups are good for healing damage. Here are a few home remedies you can use for your child.
A child suffering from the illness is a painful sight for you, as a parent. Here are some measures that can help prevent dengue fever.
These home remedies can help in preventing dengue from spreading, and in alleviating symptoms of the illness. However, if you do see any of the symptoms mentioned, do consult a doctor. Take these easy measures to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in your home and your immediate surroundings.
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