Is It Safe To Consume Fis ...
After delivery, one of the biggest questions that new moms have to constantly ask themselves is, “Can I eat this? Is this safe for my baby?”
Well…if you are a foodie, you might have to make some food choices because not all foods are safe for your baby. And since your baby derives all its nourishment from the breast milk, you need to be extra cautious about what goes in your plate. This proves to be a bit tedious in the beginning, but if you are well-informed, then you already know the answers. Among the various foods that most moms are worried about, fish is definitely among the top, especially for non-vegetarians who love fish.
Of course, there are some health benefits of consuming fish, especially for new moms who are breastfeeding. Here are some of them:
With so many health benefits, why is there a doubt about whether fish is safe or not for lactating mothers? Well…many fishes live in polluted water and therefore could be high in chemicals, chiefly mercury. This can have an adverse effect on the baby’s brain, if consumed. This does not mean that fishes need to be avoided altogether. What it means, in fact is, new moms must be careful to choose the variety which is safe. Let’s take a look at the ones that can be safely consumed.
There are some varieties of fish that are highly nutritious particularly for lactating mothers and are low in mercury as well. These include:
So, this brings us back to the question of whether or not fishes are safe for lactating moms. The answer for this is neither yes nor no but somewhere in between. This means that you can eat fish, but in moderation and be extremely cautious of which type of fish you choose to eat. Choose only those that are low or do not have mercury in them.
Also, it is best to consult your doctor in case of any doubts. When you buy fish make sure if the fillets and its body flesh are firm and shiny. That way you can make sure that the fish is fresh and safe. A little care and alertness is all that is required to make the lactating phase smooth and safe for you and your baby! And that’s not too much, is it?
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